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: Learn Your Human Design with Bronx

Let's take Human Design one step further with my HD Consulting Workshop! As a mentee of mine, we're focusing on unlearning and relearning the correct way to work with your energy with a human design 10 week plan. In this way, we can get to know each other to build a more trusting,

mutually beneficial relationship.


Before we dive in, email me & tell me about who you are and what some of your human design goals are!

Does this sound like you?

You keep hearing about this thing called Human Design, but you have no idea what it is or how it'll help you.

You have a basic understanding of your Strategy & Authority, but not sure how to implement it in a practical way.

You continue to face resistance, overwhelm & burnout and can't seem to catch a break!

what if i told you achieving success didn't have to be hard?

Imagine a life that is full of pleasure and ease!

As a mentee of mine, I can help you reduce resistance & burnout by following your human design blueprint.

In my all-access workshop, you'll receive:

  • In depth guidance through all Human Design aspects

  • Reconditioning exercises specific to your type & authority

  • Deep dive of centers, profile, gates, and channels

  • Manifestation techniques catered to your design type

  • Lifestyle Focus on Career, Love, Healing etc.

  •  Zoom Sessions

  • Exclusive Facebook Group

  • Additional Learning Tools & Custom PDFs*

Are you ready to finally create the life of your dreams with the Human Design you were born with?

Once you sign up: I will reach out to you to enroll in the workshop to assess your needs and ensure my mentorship program is right for you.


There's no pressure to commit and you'll still walk away with knowledge for practical implementation!

 We will discuss your Human Design knowledge, type and authority as well as the areas of life you’d like to focus on, including but not limited to: relationships, career, family, mindset, etc. 

Investment: $99 for 1st time clients 
Patrons: Discount: $25

This is My Story

How I became successful as a HD Generator

What others have to say...



There are no refunds for the mentorship sessions that have already passed. If you decide to pay in full & you miss a session, we can reschedule it or you can have a partial refund for that session. You can upgrade your package at any time & downgrading or canceling a package requires at least 1 month notice in advance. I am not a licensed therapist, however I have been guiding others with tarot and astrology for 4 years. I am currently enrolled in the Human Design Academy and expect to get my official HD certification in the near future. You do not need a certification in order to teach HD, but it is an added bonus. I have 2 years+ of intense HD experience and knowledge, and I am confident in my abilities to guide and aid others who are serious about changing their lives for the better! 


Remember, human design, just like any self improvement process, is not a quick fix. In order to be your best self, you have to put in time and energy. This is an investment within yourself that will not be in vain. 

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